
The Courses that are in CSUMB's CS Online Program.

CST 300 Pic

CST 300
Major Proseminar

Provides an integrated overview of the computer science and communication design majors and their requirements.

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CST 338 Pic

CST 338
Software Design

Provides students with the fundamental concepts to develop large-scale software, focusing on the object-oriented programming techniques.

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CST 363
Intro to Database Systems

Design relational schemas, write SQL queries, access a DB programmatically,and perform database administration.

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CST 334
Operating Systems

Operating Systems consists in process management, memory management, file systems, and concurrency, and how they apply to modern technologies like virtualization and cloud computing.

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CST 311
Introduction to Computer Networks

The Survey of Telecomm and Data Comm Technology Fundamentals, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, Internet and internetworking protocols.

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CST 336
Internet Programming

Internet Programming consists of dynamic web application development skills, focusing on the integration of server-side programming, database connectivity, and client-side scripting.

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